*2012 Indiana Tough Mudder
My name is Nick Jerkovich and I’m a self-employed content creator. I’m a former Marine and fitness/exercise has always been the one thing that keeps me sane. I enjoy weight lifting, runs under 3 miles, crossfit and body weight training. I also enjoy mixed martial arts and events like Tough Mudder or Spartan Races.
I’ve also started skiing regularly up at Whitefish, MT and I’ve been mountain biking a LOT lately. I just completed biking “Going to the Sun Road” this past April which was amazing. Just over 4 hours 13 minutes, 32.25 miles, and 3k feet in elevation. I highly recommend adding it to your bucket list. Make sure to hit it up early in the year before they open it up to cars though.
*2016 Going to the Sun Road
I love fitness and gadgets so this is a fun way for me to share all the different tech gadgets that I pick up along the way. Not all of the tech stuff that I review on this site will be exclusively related to fitness but it will be pretty darn close.
This website is one way that I can help people by giving full product reviews and blogs of products. I can save the consumer the most valuable asset of all…time. These new products change the way we think, feel and live. I’ll will try to bring them to you before you buy but this isn’t my full time job so I might be a bit late on the latest gadgets.
I am planning on making a big effort this year (2016) to add a lot more content and blog about some adventures while using the products I recommend. I’m completely open to new ideas and features that could be added to the site. If you have an idea or product that you feel should be added to fitgadgetreviews.com please email: contact[@]fitgadgetreviews[dot]com
Feel free to add me on Google+ and check out my personal blog at NicholasJerkovich.com