A Toronto based start-up has joined the new wireless activity market, only PUSH looks to own it. Wrist bands are the trend now and fitness fans are still looking for the best way to track their daily activities. The days of hand writing sets, weights, foods and counting calories are over.
This is a new and exciting market. Body builders are left with using the current fitness gadgets as ways to track cardio workouts. Up to this point, activity trackers like FitBit Force, Nike Fueldband SE, and Jawbone Up have only been able to track movement or step count.
PUSH looks to empower the weight lifters with data using 3 key metrics:
- Force
- Power
- Velocity
PUSH will measure more than just step counts, PUSH measures your strength.
Here’s a quick run down of the features.
- Motion Sensor (Acclerometer – Wikipedia.org)
- Orientation Sensor (Gyroscope – Wikipedia.org)
- Bluetooth 2.1 (Sync’s with both iPhone and Android)
- Rechargeable Battery (Fully Charged = 6-8 Hours Active Time)
- Water-Resistant
- 1-Year Limited Warranty
- PUSH Band available in Small, Medium, and Large
- Analyze Motion
- Social Sharing (Share and Schedule Routines)
- Track Data & Trends
“With PUSH, training will never be the same.”
The band is extremely easy to use, all you have to do is put it on. Using metrics the band tracks Reps and Sets, Force, Power, Balance, Velocity, Explosive Strength, One Rep Max, Volume Load and Tempo. The band is adjustable and fits easily on your forearm.
To begin using PUSH, simply press go and it takes care of all the rest. You can also set a specific routine, the band and phone will sync and provide you with the proper weights, sets, and different workouts. This means no more writing down weights in journals or notebooks after each set. I always forget to write them down half the time anyways.
The band syncs straight to your iPhone or Android using Bluetooth 2.1 technology allowing you to view and share results during and after your workout. You can instantly compare results with friends, teammates, family, or your gym buddy.
“Analyze every movement you make at the gym.”
The app is fairly straight forward. Once you finally get your hands on the device you simply pair it with your Android, iPhone, or other smart phone, create an athlete profile and “GO”! The app is your exercise database. It analyzes the data from the PUSH band, tracking data and trends along the way, finally bringing it to you in a simple interface with visualized metrics. You can then take all this data and use it to improve your daily workouts and ultimately your long term fitness goals. The PUSH Strength app also allows you to instantly share your results with friends, gym buddy, teammates, etc…
“Wear your badges and new personal records. Display your achievements with pride – you earned them.” – PUSH
Update (11/27/2013): The extremely successful PUSH Strength IndieGogo campaign has come to and end! Don’t worry, you can still Pre-Order your PUSH Strength Band directly from the PUSH website.
The PUSH band is currently in the fundraising stage on Idiegogo.com/push-strength. You can pre-order your band by supporting the fundraising effort. PUSH will retail for $149 plus $15 for shipping to USA and Canada. If you’re interested in getting one then I suggest you find a buddy to go in with you and pick up the PUSH duo. It will save you $20 on retail and only have to pay for shipping one time. PUSH is estimating delivery of the high tech fitness gadget by April 2014.
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